Hello all :wave: many scammers visit this forum :pray: please read safety tips :point_down:

Rule #1: Never share your 12 words Secret Recovery Phrase (seed phrase) or private keys

Rule #2: Beware Impersonators! Make sure to see their trust level 4. :point_right: Leader
trust level

I’m forum Leader :upside_down_face: no stupid scammer. Ignore fake user with my avatar.

Rule #3: Never DM with someone offering to help.

Example :point_up_2: this is a scammer. MetaMask support NOT use WhatsApp.
NEVER contact those WhatsApp numbers. He just wants your MetaMask seed.

Rule #4: Never enter your secret seed phrase or private keys into any website online.
Ignore all: connectwebwallets, walletrestores, walletsvalidation, weblinker… stupid SCAM pages. Do not scan any QR codes :bangbang: you will lose all cryptocurrencies in a few minutes.

Rule #5: Never trust someone asking you to “authenticate your wallet or validation your wallet” Ignore these user :ok_man: and please wait to normal answer.

Example :point_up_2: this guy is scammer. Don’t open any link from him.

Rule #6: Never import to your wallet a private key or a seed phrase someone gave you.

Rule #7: MetaMask Support will never DM to help you.

Rule #8: DO NOT join discord servers, WhatsApps groups, WeChat groups, Telegram channels or Twitter DMs. These are all scams. MetaMask does not support these.

Rule #9: Report scammers. You can help the community safe.
Example :point_down: this is fake MetaMask support. Click on the flag and report him.

Rule #10: Beware fake websitesOfficial Website: https://metamask.io/

Rule #11: Official Help → Support.MetaMask.io

Rule #12: DO NOT click on “Verify your wallet” or “Restore Wallet” :point_down: buttons. It’s a SCAM :warning:
Fake Buttons
Remember: MetaMask support will NEVER ask for your secret recovery phrase.

Thank you for reading :slightly_smiling_face: and be careful. Scammers are not sleeping!